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Global Media Registry

MVS Noticias 102.5 (XHMVS-FM)

MVS Noticias started transmitting on the frequency 102.5FM on the 12th of January 2009. From Monday to Friday, this station has four news releases with different topics such as political, economic, social and sports news. Before 2017 it was known as Noticias MVS. Grupo MVS has been widely related with the federal government over the past six-year term. In 2014 for example, Enrique Peña Nieto did the inauguration of the Service Desk of Dish México in Morelia, State of Michoacán; this is an investment of 261 millions of Mexican pesos, which was planned to directly generate 1.500 jobs in the State. 

Key facts

Audience Share

Missing Data

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

Free content

Active Transparency

company/channel informs proactively and comprehensively about its ownership, data is constantly updated and easily verifiable

4 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Grupo MVS


Ownership Structure

MVS Noticias 102.5 FM is operated by the concessionary Stereorey México S.A., company belonging to Grupo MVS, owned by the Vargas family. The shareholder structure of Stereorey México S.A. is a follows: Grupo MVS Capital, S. de R.L. de C.V. with 158,678,802 shares (99.99%), Alejandro Vargas Guajardo with 356 shares (0.00%), Joaquí Vargas Guajardo with 286 shares (0.00%), Elsa Gabriela Guajardo Tijerina with 36 shares (0.00%), Ernesto Vargas Guajardo with 36 shares (0.00%) and the Vargas Campuzano family with 5,466 shares (0.00%). The members of the latter are María del Rosario Campuzano Reyes, Natalia Vargas Campuzano, Patricio Vargas Campuzano and Santiago Vargas Campuzano. They all have voting rights.                          

Voting Rights

Missing Data

Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year


Affiliated Interests Founder

Joaquín Vargas Gómez - Forerunner of the FM frequency in Mexico. He incentivized the creation of Stereorey and Telerey before establishing Grupo MVS, which has three business components: MVS Telecomunicaciones (pay-TV system) and MVS Radio (radio stations) which make MVS Comunicaciones; the third component is Corporación Mexicana de Restaurantes (Mexican Corporation of Restaurants). Vargas Gómez also did business in the construction of gas stations in Mexico City. He died in 2009.

Affiliated Interests Ceo

Joaquín Vargas Guajardo - Son of Joaquín Vargas Gómez and President of Grupo MVS. After the death of his father in 2009, he strengthened Grupo MVS which now has four radio networks (Noticias MVS 102.5, EXA FM, La Mejor FM and FM Globo) and the pay-TV system Dish México. He expanded the business with restaurants initiated by his father, and today this bussiness is in charge of his son Joaquín Vargas Mier y Terán, Executive President of Corporación Mexicana de Restaurantes.

Vargas Guajardo and the Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui have a large history of conflicts. In 2015 MVS fired Aristegui as the program host of Primera emisión and also fired her team of collaborators. The reason was that MVS criticized her for using their brand to implement Mexicoleaks - a platform for citizens' complaints where citizens can expose corruption cases. Aristegui was already fired in 2011 for asking publicly on-air if the then president Felipe Calderón had alcohol problems, but under public pressure, MVS withdrew her dismissal. Her dismissal in 2015 turned into a lawsuit and one federal judge decided that MVS acted illegally.

The story goes on with a lawsuit from Vargas Guajardo against Aristegui for publishing information that was damaging his honour in the foreword of the book "La Casa Blanca de Peña Nieto" (Peña Nieto's White House). This book originated from an investigation that was originally published on the online portal Aristegui Noticias in 2014. The investigation reports about the real estate that the first lady allegedly purchased and which involves conflicts of interest from the President's side, his wife and other governmental officials. In 2016, a civil judge decided that Aristegui exceeded her "right to freedom of expression and information" when talking about Vargas Guajardo in this book. Three years later, in February 2019, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation finally issued a ruling in favor of Aristegui and her work team, which protects their right to freedom of expression and also confirms that their dismissal from MVS was illegal. This decision also forces a federal court to issue a new resolution in the case.


José Antonio Vega Mijares

Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief

José Antonio Vega Mijares

Affiliated Interests other important people

Alejandro Vargas Guajardo - Another son of Joaquín Vargas Gómez. He is the Executive President of MVS Radio.


Address: Mariano Escobedo 532 Col. Anzures C.P. 11590, Ciudad de México, México. Telephone: (55) 5263 2100

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing data

Market Share

Missing data

Further Information

Meta Data

 The web page of Grupo MVS includes its history and its companies' history but does not publish who participates in its governing board. 

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    Global Media Registry
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