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Global Media Registry

Online Media

The community of Internet users in Mexico reaches 79.1 million, which represents about 67% of the population of 6 years or more. Although four out of every ten Mexicans live in poverty, according to official figures, the number of Internet users has driven the country to be in the "top ten" of the countries in the world with more Internet users, according to the specialized site Internet Live Stats.

The MOM Mexico project considers the 13 most visited news websites according to the findings of Comscore – a company specialized in Internet publicity. Only 38% of the websites are independent in their editorial policy and are normally critical towards the government and its allies; the rest 62% depend on other traditional media for their contents, and with editorial policies favorable to national or foreign economically and politically powerful actors.

The increasing number of people that access the news through web portals coincides with the credibility crisis that the traditional media are going through. In 2017, Parametría, an enterprise specialized in opinion research, found out in 2007 75% of the population was getting informed through television and only 10% through the Internet. Currently, although commercial television brands continue to be the country's most popular news sources, digital brands are gaining ground, along with social networks and other platforms, according to the Digital News Report 2018 of the Reuters Institute.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by